AFTERMATCH – Meeting in Wroclaw

AFTERMATCH landed in Wroclaw to show the Model and to discuss about dual career

The 11th of July 2017, the Wroclaw Stadion hosted the 5th international meeting of Aftermatch project, with a public conference attended by high level athletes, former athletes and experts on dual career.

Former Olympic medalists, two world champions of sky jumping and judo, representatives of sport’s world and dual career experts had been involved in the International Conference organized by T.S. Iron Man at the Wroclaw Stadion the 11th of July 2017,  in the framework of the 5th international event of the AFTERMATCH project, an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Sport programme of the European Union. The meeting, introduced by Rafał Nocoń and by Alberto Ferri, project manager of the project of Forcoop CORA Venice (Lead Partner), had been built around 3 different sessions: the first session, called “Dual career for a modern athlete. A art of choice” and moderated by Dawid Kutryn – Polish Personal Trainer Association, explored the state of the art of Dual Career in Poland by giving audience a very interesting perspective from different sports (football with Roman Firlus – Polish Football Association, basket with Maciej Guzik – Silesian Basketball Association), with a strong scientific background, thanks to the contribution of Gabriel Pawlak – University of Physical Education of Wrocław and with Paula MajcherUniversity of Dąbrowa GórniczaThe second session, titled “Sport experience brings values for life: which one of these values can be useful for companies?” and moderated by Łukasz Panfil (Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Coachingu), launched a stimulating debate about “skills & competences” deriving from sport practice: the speeches of two world champions (Andreas Küttel, ski jumping and Rafał Kubacki, judo) enriched the discussion and offered a very clear picture of how important is to plan the job-career during the sport practice and how crucial is to know in advance which skills can be useful in the labor market; the closing intervention of Jacek Bednarzfootball, CEO Ekstraklasa S.A, confirmed all the issues with analytical data. The last session, leaded by Mehmet Omurlu (Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Coachingu), presented two “ways out” for athletes: the military career with Kinga KaniaModern Sport Foundation and the entrepreneurship career with Jakub Gajdamowicz and Ryszard Kosik from Landscape Lab. The Conference was the public moment of a wider meeting, where AFTERMATCH partners discussed and planned the last part of the project, expected to end in December 2017: the experimentation of the Model and the raising awareness action in each of the 5 countries involved (Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Bulgaria and Greece). Aftermatch model is an innovative modular approach targeted to the “meso-dimension” of dual career (sport trainers and managers, teachers of sport schools or academies and employers) and based on a set of training tools to be included in the regular training assets in order to improve the knowledge about dual career in Europe.